Call of Duty earned both the first and second spot of Major Nelson's annual Xbox rankings, which is a pretty…
In November, a federal judge made the breathtaking order that all copies of Too Human had to be destroyed by its…
Moved to another country? You can finally port your Xbox Live account to a new region, which wasn't possible before.
Maybe you were playing a game on Xbox Live last week and you tried to save online. Maybe it didn't work. Maybe you…
Retro City Rampage arrives on Xbox Live and WiiWare on Wednesday. It'll be $15.
Xbox Live's cloud storage is currently down. We've reached out to Microsoft for comment and will update if they reply.
You don't need a Windows Phone to get mobile gaming achievements anymore, as Microsoft releases Wordament, a free…
Aero-Cross, the HD download version of Metro-Cross, has been cancelled due to "various circumstances".
38 Studios' financial apocalypse has been well-documented. Ultimately, no amount of auctioning and memorabilia…
If you're lucky, or brave, your gamertag (or other similar account name) might be, well, your name. A few of my…
Microsoft's Larry Hryb has been digging through the archives in honour of Xbox Live's 10th birthday, and has come up…
Over 100 Million Friendships have Been Made Over Xbox Live (And Over 200 Billion Achievement Points)
Amidst all the back-slapping and high-fiving going on at Xbox Live today, Microsoft released a statistic related to…
Today, Xbox Live turns 10 years old, meaning it's finally as old as the majority of people who use it.
Well then. There are a crapload of people playing Call of Duty: Black Ops II online right now. On Xbox Live alone,…
Xbox Live's latest dashboard update also delivered an increase in the size of the USB hard drives the console will…
Gamers of a certain age remember the dramatic opening to Jordan Mechner's classic fighting adventure. But what…
Look at them. Angry dudes, the lot of them. Well, maybe the Fable guy isn't. You could say he's either grimly…
Call it the calm before the storm. (And the calm after the Superstorm.) Only 145 people are playing competitive…
Death, taxes and a shooter atop the chart of Xbox Live's top activity. Since Major Nelson has publicized the…