During PAX East this weekend Microsoft hypoed up their attractive upcoming Xbox Live Arcade lineup with a series of…
I keep asking people who I run into at PAX East to tell me which games I should check out. Thank you, to whoever…
The lovely looking Fez is (we really, really hope) coming to Xbox Live Arcade some time in 2011, according to its…
A new 2D fighting game will throw its hat into the ring this summer, the ambitious and impressive Skullgirls. It's…
If you've not grown weary of the twin-stick shooter yet, perhaps give arcade throwback Gatling Gears a chance, the…
How best to explain the wonderfully unusual Trenched? It's true that it's a tower defense game. It's also a…
First discussed in 2007 and under development since last year, indie shooter/puzzle game Insanely Twisted Shadow…
The warfare of Xbox Live Arcade hit Toy Soldiers advances ever closer to the modern era with Toy Soldiers: Cold…
The people at Demiurge Studios, itching to make a game of their own after years of making video games for other…
The Japanese release of Xbox Live Arcade game Torchlight has been cancelled due to bugs in the game's Japanese text.…
Sometime this year, Peter Pepper will be climbin' up your ladders and stompin' your patties down in Burgertime HD, …
The people behind games as diverse as Brutal Legend, Costume Quest and Stacking are making a war game. A World War…
The excellent Half-Minute Hero, a mix of role-playing, side-scrolling shooting and strategy, all delivered in short…
Twisted Pixel's new shooter for the Xbox 360, The Gunstringer, might make you feel better about Kinect controls. It…
In 2008, GRIN released Bionic Commando Rearmed, a remake of the original 1988 NES version of Capcom's platformer. It…
Microsoft's next big Xbox Live Arcade push, the "House Party," kicks off next week with the release of Contra…
One of the most popular indie games on Xbox Live Arcade last year was Baby Maker Extreme. Here's the sequel. You…
Code name Class3 is not an action game with zombie targets. It's an open-world zombie survival game, and it's…
If you like your fighting games strictly on a two-dimensional plane and with just a single gender, you might want to…
Because you demanded it, medieval beat 'em up Castle Crashers is getting a new brawler armed with a lollipop and…