According to Warcraft canon, Deathwing the Destroyer is a giant dude dragon who is thousands of years old and and…
Surprise, surprise. Unlike last year’s 10th anniversary, we won’t get nostalgia raids or battlegrounds, but that…
2010 World of Warcraft graphics (and 2005 graphics where Cataclysm didn’t happen) vs. the upcoming Warcraft movie. Ae…
Remember the moment when last year, director Duncan Jones recorded Alliance and Horde war cries in the audience for…
World of Warcraft’s been around for more than a decade. Combat is one of its cornerstones, but also, perhaps, a bit…
That’s one way to hide from people at a big convention like BlizzCon. We already knew actress Jamie Lee Curtis and…
World of Warcraft and the official Shrek origin story (aka the Warcraft movie) are separate. Mostly. However, the…
World of Warcraft’s next big expansion, Legion, is coming out this coming summer, Blizzard confirmed today at Blizzcon. Also Illidan Stormrage is coming back! Are you PREPARED? I’m not. Watch the fantastic new trailer above.
The end of October is a time when everyone in WoW is busy doing all the Halloween events, but it’s also a time when…
Although WoW is a huge game, it doesn’t have many secrets. Fans datamine everything before a patch or an expansion…
Trent Kaniuga is a veteran artist who has worked extensively in both video games and comics. Blizzard fans…
The tiny patch 6.2.3 is about to hit the World of Warcraft test realms soon, and while there won’t be any dramatic…
Even after nerfing him, with 464 million hit points and an extra third phase, Hellfire Citadel’s final boss…
These awesome panorama pics, made by Redditor Aetheree, show a different side of Draenor (and Azeroth) and make us…
Even after a bunch of nerfs, the Hunter class in WoW is pretty strong right now. They dominated everything since Warl…
Around the northern shores of the Eastern Kingdoms lies a zone we can see on Azeroth’s map, but compared to all the…
Interestingly nobody did a World of Warcraft version of the Game of Thrones intro yet, despite the fact that…
Creating a lupine character in World of Warcraft is a little bit different from other races. Since they’re…
After the initial plan of a WoW expansion without flying, the folks at Blizzard changed their minds—and now, the…
One of the most popular new addons for World of Warcraft right now is something refreshing: It’s called “Storyline”…