In case you’re looking for a way to express your love for WoW, redditor revenger96 recently put together several wallpapers starring the game’s major bosses/villains. There are quite a few variations on the main wallpaper at the top—seventeen in total—which you can find below.
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World of Warcraft’s current expansion pack takes us back in time to the orcish homeworld Draenor, prior to its…
johnskyrim is a modder who likes to bring over stuff from other games, like World of Warcraft and Runescape, to—you guessed it—TES V: Skyrim. This is his latest project: Quel’Delar, Might of the Faithful, a reward from WoW’s “Return of Quel’Delar” quest chain. You can grab the mod here on the Nexus and here on Steam.
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“Feel the hatred of TEN THOUSAND MRGLGRGLGLBRGRGL!” This new World of Warcraft pet turning Illidan into a Murloc is excellent. It would also—just saying—make a great Murky skin in Heroes of the Storm. via Reddit. Credit for that Murkidan quote goes to Evil_Laugh_Mwahaha. Read more
You don’t need the rarest or the most expensive mount to shine in the center of your faction’s capital city. You…
The upcoming World of Warcraft: Legion, which Blizzard announced at Gamescom today, looks like it’ll be full of…
The Burning Legion is back in the next expansion for World of Warcraft, which will raise the level cap to 110 and…
Less than a week before the upcoming announcement of World of Warcraft’s sixth expansion, everyone’s trying to…
If MOBA players had meetings similar to the AA, I could imagine people introducing themselves by saying, “Hi, I’m…
Even though the hardest difficulty for Warlords of Draenor’s current top raid, Hellfire Citadel, has been available…
Gearing up got way easier after Warlords of Draenor’s 6.2 patch added Apexis Crystals: If you collect enough…
With flying and a number of portals added to the game, the days of traveling 20-30 minutes just to finish a quest,…
Westfall, the abandoned agricultural center and low level zone of the Alliance, now has a version made with Unreal…
One brave Death Knight vs. the 40 million hit points of Supreme Lord Kazzak, a powerful raid boss designed for a…
“13/13,” Method’s Scott McMillan tweeted. And just like that, the World of Warcraft community went nuts.
Doing all the Tanaan Jungle dailies and raiding Hellfire Citadel are pretty fun in Warlords of Draenor, but even…
Even though you can’t play World of Warcraft on consoles, this custom PS4 with Horde chains and spikes is pretty…
Disorganized raid groups, an empty PvP zone, and the ever-growing need for Apexis Crystals. Mooclucking’s funny…
With the release of patch 6.2, the Normal and Heroic difficulties of World of Warcraft’s newest raid Hellfire…