With each patch and expansion, WoW is getting bigger and bigger, with more stuff to collect. It’s getting impossible…
Left Sharks are rewards for one of the rare Garrison Shipyard missions that you send your followers out on. It’s a…
Heroes of the Storm’s latest playable character might be a wolf, but only sometimes.Greymane, Lord of the Worgen can swap between a ranged human assassin and a melee werewolf, with abilities that take advantage of his dual nature. Also, he would like a keg of beer.
Narga (who we’ve showcased here before) and her partner Aoki cosplay together under the banner Lifestream. And what…
Hearthstone player Jeppz completed a heroic task by running around Azeroth and locating all the characters featured…
As it was teased at Blizzcon, World of Warcraft: Legion will have an entire new PvP system and it’ll be one of the…
One of the new features of World of Warcraft: Legion is an increased view distance and a much more detailed horizon.
CORRECTION (3:53pm): This is actually a reference to Rhonda Cox, an associate producer at Blizzard. We apologize for…
WoW’s most notable (and cutest) creatures deserve to be in other game worlds too. Modder Rebecca1208 gave them the Sp…
Legion will introduce a new type of creature to World of Warcraft that might be familiar from Diablo III. It’s the…
The fan favorite neutral flying city Dalaran, first introduced in Wrath, is returning in Legion as the expansion’s…
Based on the original opening of everyone’s current favorite One-Punch Man, YouTuber Sensus made a cool clip of…
Demon Hunters? Whatever. Legendary weapons that evolve with players until the next expansion? Sure. Gnome Hunters?…
Dalaran’s flower vendor Aertih (who’s absolutely not a reference to that other flower vendor in Final Fantasy VII)…
Class Order halls—class-based areas where both factions can hang out—will be one of Legion’s most exciting features.…
One of the big features of WoW’s patch 6.2 was the Garrison Shipyard, a place where we can send our crew on various…
We’re far from a game where Goblins can roll a Monk or where Undead can level a Paladin, but a similarly ridiculous…
That bear form with the rocks alone makes it worth maining a Druid and being a tank in Legion. Now with the…
We already knew WoW’s transmogrification system—a feature that allows players to alter the appearance of their…