The nation's freakout over scary scary violent video games shows no signs of abating. We're back to Connecticut again
I wasn't aware people play video games like Call of Duty in public libraries, but evidently in Paterson, N.J., they…
In the Fox News segment excerpted above, Judge Jeanine Pirro argues that banning guns won't stop crime. She should…
Gamers have good reason for feeling beat up as the American conversation on gun violence seems to lurch inevitably…
On MSNBC today, U.S. senator Lamar Alexander (a Tennessee Republican) set a new benchmark for insanity by claiming…
"Gamers have just got to quiet down. Gamers have no credibility in this argument." The guy who said those words has…
Evidently, removing scary scary violent video games from arcades is a trend now. So reports the Associated Press…
In America's wrenching argument over how and why we have so many mass shootings, such as the ones at Newtown, Conn.…
Let the scapegoating continue.
Remember the law California passed in 2005 criminalizing the sale of violent video games to kids? The one that got…
As part of an initiative to address gun violence in America after the Newtown school shootings, the Vice President…
Last week, 15-year-old Nehemiah Griego killed his entire family: both parents and three siblings. He confessed to…
Former Pres. cand. Ralph Nader: parents should protect kids from "electronic child molesters." (AKA violent games & TV.)
Go listen to Jason Schreier talk violent video games over at On The Media, an NPR-syndicated radio show.
IGN editor-in-chief Casey Lynch works on weekends and asked me last Saturday to chime in on the topic of violent…
Early last year, seventy French university students sat down in a room. A group of scientists told the students they…
With video games so consistently a topic in the mass media's examinations of the recent Sandy Hook shooting, we…
You may remember that, nearly four years ago, Australia's classification board refused to classify Left 4 Dead 2,…
A Missouri state representative wants a 1 percent sales tax levied on "violent video games" sold in the state,…
President Obama directed further research be done into the relationship video games may have to violence, part of…