Valve announced Artifact, a Dota card game, during tonight’s The International 7 matches in Seattle.
Valve announced Artifact, a Dota card game, during tonight’s The International 7 matches in Seattle.
More than $20 million in prize money is on the line this week in The International 2017, a tournament for the video…
The main bracket for The International 7 has been set after four days of group stage Dota 2 play. HellRaisers and Fnatic were eliminated, leaving 16 teams to fight for a grand champion prize of over $10 million.
This is the panel for the Group Stage of the biggest Dota 2 tournament of the year. The one that’s sponsored by…
This year’s theme for The International is all about the ocean: there are aquatic cosmetics and a campaign about a…
The Dota 2 Twitch channel is running some of the best games from past Internationals, leading up to the start of The International 2017. If you’re a newcomer or just want to relive Na’Vi vs. Alliance game 5, replays will be running for most of the day.
A new update to Dota 2 will try to make sure new players are always matched with nice players.
Last night, we started a playthrough of Half-Life on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. Punchy shotguns and nasty aliens make…
WeLoveFine, a nerd-goods merch company, won’t play host to this year’s Dota 2 International Secret Shop, Valve announ…
This year’s International has broken the record for largest prize pool in esports at over $20,700,460 and still…
We see stats about Steam all the time, but they’re usually pretty boring. Here, instead, are some weird and…
You’d be forgiven for thinking Valve had forgotten all about Half-Life, but it turns out at least one person at the…
If you’re gonna cheat, you might as well do it on the cheap. That seems to be the going line of thought among…
The biggest Dota 2 event of the year is next month, but that hasn’t stopped Valve from announcing a major overhaul…
Last night, Valve pushed out a small update for Dota 2. Patch 7.06e tweaks a slew of heroes ahead of the game’s bigge…
This year’s Steam Summer Sale might not feature a massive-scale co-op game or an ARG, but it does have stickers.…
For the first time in Dota 2 history, there will be no defending champion at this year’s International (barring the…
Just because you aren’t good enough to beat the very best doesn’t mean you can’t troll your way into the history…
It is time once again for the annual ritual of buying PC games you’re never going to play—welcome to the 2017 Steam…