Remember to be here tomorrow at 4pm eastern to join the first Kotaku Game Club's first Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception…
Only 12,632 people died in a spectacular hail of gunfire like Nathan Drake in Uncharted 3 in a year. Only 1,981…
Uncharted 3's campaign is what you'd expect: cinematic adventure with climbing, shooting and good acting. Uncharted…
Uncharted 3 spokesperson Indiana Jones Harrison Ford is currently plastered all over Shinjuku Station in Tokyo, and…
Uncharted 3 is out today! In honour of the occasion, I thought now would be a good time to have a little Uncharted…
Welcome back, Game Clubbers! Since last month's Game Club was Xbox exclusive, it seems only fair that we do one for…
I've noticed a bit of an internet scuffle breaking out over Simon Parkin's 8/10 review of Uncharted 3 for Eurogamer.…
The video of Harrison Ford playing Uncharted 3 last week was clearly meant to communicate some kind of blessing…
Used sales squashing online passes are annoying as hell, but should their utilization affect a game's review score?…
As previously posted, Harrison Ford is appearing in Uncharted 3's Japanese television commercials.
National treasure Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, your childhood) has popped up in an unlikely place: A…
I used to write a thing called the Game Diary each weekday. I did it for a previous employer. I did it for my own…
The latest entry in the Nathan Drake saga, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception won't be out until Nov. 1 in North…
Something is wrong with Uncharted 3. The big PlayStation 3 action-adventure game coming out on Nov. 1 from the folks…
You may have seen this sandy, sun-soaked footage of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception before—Naughty Dog showed at…
Nathan Drake lives a pretty sweet existence when you think about it. Glamorous globe-trotting. Incredible agility.…
Starting Oct. 3 on late night television, TV Tokyo is broadcasting a new program to promote Uncharted 3. It will…
After just a five minute ride on my bike, all of my toppings usually slide to one side of the sandwich. But Nathan…
Visit your local sandwich artist if you want a leg up on the competition in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception's…
Nathan Drake will be gorging on sun, guns and fun in the Rub' al Khali desert, one of the many destinations…