Yesterday, we waded through a lot of painful memories talking about the awful (and mercifully forgotten) Wing…
Around a month ago, Xbox Live users were alerted to a phishing scam on popular online title Modern Warfare 2. You'd…
Twitter is a great way to bring the world together, open up lines of communication. It's also a great way for…
You've had your first unofficial look at this year's Call of Duty, now let's see what the official unveiling of Mod…
What to make of the Modern Warfare 3 leak? Robert Bowling, creative strategist at Modern Warfare studio Infinity…
A Seattle-area man who lived in Europe during the Chernobyl disaster, now wary of radiation from Japan's Fukushima…
While Sony Computer Entertainment of America still isn't releasing a new timeline for getting their Playstation 3,…
Kevin Butler, the voluble, if fake, PlayStation executive, has nearly 84,000 Twitter followers. His approval rating,…
Your personal information may have been stolen from your PlayStation 3's online account by a malicious hacker. Your…
Who knows, one day, indie smash hit Minecraft may need box art. If it does, this piece by Djohaal has our vote (via S…
Gamers may be a bit confused about how exactly owners of Nintendo's 3DS portable are supposed to communicate with…
What do Neil Gaiman, Lady Gaga, Xeni Jardin and Felicia Day have in common? They all made Time's list for best…
And it's hilarious. Die-hard Madden fans may be able to pick out tweaks and additions in the tiny sections of…
Street Pass is the new, always-on wireless connection for the Nintendo 3DS through which multiplayer gaming is…
A spokesman for the Pokémon Company said all employees, including Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri, are alive and safe…
At left is the bona fide Cliff Bleszinski, design director for Epic Games. At right is Twitter's Fakecliffy_b - the…
PlayStation executive mascot Kevin Butler unwittingly re-tweets the PlayStation 3's private cryptography key, the…
I've got about a dozen codes for the Call of Duty: Black Ops's First Strike map pack to give away. Head on over to my…
Team Meat's pithy riposte to PETA's meat-is-murder complaint earlier today. Via Super Meat Boy's Twitter [thanks Nerf…