Your personal information may have been stolen from your PlayStation 3's online account by a malicious hacker. Your credit card number may have been compromised, though the people at PlayStation aren't sure.
There is a bright side to this news: now we have more hilarious jokes, specifically about the PSN hack.
Take it away, people of Twitter:
"Hey folks, they told Playstation Plus subscribers about this credit card thing last Thursday."
- Bookscout
"If Sony had required firmware updates hourly instead of daily, this never would've happened."
- MTV Multiplayer's Russ Frushtick
"PSN's down for a week, my credit card info might be stolen, but the most irritating thing about Sony's service is still the name 'Qriocity.'"
- Casey Malone
"Upside of PSN debacle: easy to identify, block Sony Defense Force."
- Giant Bomb's Ryan Davis
"Mortal Kombat exclusive: Kratos. Xbox 360 Mortal Kombat exclusive: being online."
-Andre Black Nerd
"Bad news gets worse. If you ever participated in Folding@Home, it turns out that PSN was storing your entire DNA sequence."
- Insult Swordfighting's Mitch Krpta
"Funnily enough, going to @Kotaku for news on the PSN thing reminded me that I already changed my passwords when they leaked my info."
- Martin Tsang (wait, we're not allowed to laugh at that one, right?)
"Sony warns that Playstation Network hacker may have taken users' personal info/credit cards while leaving their virginity intact."
- Funny or Die
"I better go change my birthday."
- Ars Technica reader
"Man, Kevin Butler better have a fucking gut-buster in his quiver to win me back this time."
- Joystiq's Griffin McElroy
"I hope the PSN hackers do something really cool with all our money, like start a game company that provides a reliable and secure service!"
- Justin Amirkhani (not sure if this one was really a joke)
"At Sony we believe in an open platform. A very open platform."
- Fake Kaz Hirai
Frushtick's the winner here, yes?
For practical info about this debacle and how it may affect you, check out our PSN Hack FAQ.