Scuttlebutt has it that Microsoft is eyeballing an April date to reveal its next console, in an event similar to…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
The first thing that ever puzzled me about the man I used to know as SuperDaE was that he didn't sound Australian.
In his LinkedIn profile, a Seattle engineer who joined Activision as vice president of research and development this…
Board games are big business now! I've been screaming this for so long that my lungs resemble two teabags flapping…
You see it on Japanese forums. Strings of "w's". I often quote individuals as writing "lol", "LOL", or even, "lulz".…
The Pocket Monsters anime originally used Japanese writing for on-screen text and signs. A pain in the ass if you…
So you have a Vita and love Japanese games. We've already shown you how to make a Japanese PSN account and how to…
I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get excited about DOTA 2, since my dalliances with League of Legends ended…
I went to Sony's over-hyped 2006 press conference and they showed the world a version of the PlayStation 3 that we…
Two decades ago, Sony and Nintendo were prepared to partner on a CD-ROM drive for the SNES. Things went sour. The…
Last night, during the big PS4 conference, Sony brought Gaikai's David Perry on stage to deliver some lofty…
Guerilla Games revealed Killzone: Shadow Fall yesterday during the PlayStation Live Meeting, showing us our dramatic…
After months and years of rumors, the PlayStation 4 has finally been revealed. It'll be out this holiday season.
Ready for a new console? Tonight at 6pm Eastern, Sony will announce their next Dubstep Machine PlayStation, and…
Assuming Sony hasn't just been screwing with us for the past few weeks, this is it: tonight, we'll get our first…
It's Black History Month, that time of year when people look at exceptional achievements and moments having to do…
Earlier this week, Square Enix showed off character models from the upcoming HD version of Final Fantasy X. The…