The people at Bungie are famous for putting obscure Easter Eggs into their games. Halo's creators have packed the…
The odds should've been against Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. It starred a woman—specifically the half-black,…
Besides mecha anime, video games also feature some of the most awesomely-designed armoured fighting vehicles.…
This isn't the most beautiful business card. Folks like Goichi Suda (No More Heroes) or Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear…
Megami Tensei spin-off series Persona looks great. Its characters are cool. Their clothes are cool. Persona is cool.
When I played the game last year, what hit me almost instantly about The Banner Saga was the fact that, aside from…
The constant progression of annual sport titles has another advantage besides the games getting more and more…
"Nanotechnology offers unprecedented possibilities for progress—defeating poverty, starvation, and disease, opening…
I started smoking pot during my junior year of college, after a loud and messy breakup with my first girlfriend that…
Anime and games are intimately tied together in Japan: popular games tend to get anime adaptations and popular anime…
Tokyo is dense. Packed. And crowded. If you don't have much money and want to live in places like Shibuya, you could…
Sometimes, people look familiar. You know you've seen them before. Maybe they look like a friend from college. Or an…
I was only saying last night how impressed I am with indie strategy title Death Inc.'s art design, so it's only fair…
On December 11, 2006, Sega announced that they had snagged the rights to the much-beloved sci-fi franchise Aliens.…
I never wanted to have sex with Lara Croft. And I didn't want to protect her either. In the early Tomb Raider games…
Usually, when there's a geek event in Japan, cosplayers show up in droves. Somewhere between the folks in skimpy…
Do you have a favorite Studio Ghibli film? You know, the anime house behind such wonderful movies as Princess…
And not even that heavily-photoshoped kind, either. I mean, outside of the obvious effects, that is just one…
David Halberstam was killed in a car wreck the day I bought my Xbox 360. I don't mean to trivialize the death of a…
Welcome to your Sunday read of the week's best in web comics. Make sure to click on the expand button in the bottom…