Even during a withering sex scandal, EA Sports stuck by Tiger Woods as the face of its golf franchise. Now, however,…
A title update now live on the PlayStation Network adds PlayStation Move support to a sports game where motion…
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 gets a healthy helping of motion controlling when the Move releases later this month.
Electronic Arts was one of the few major brands not to run from Tiger Woods during the golfer's embarrassingly…
With UFC Undisputed 2010 two weeks ago, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 this week, the era of pay-to-play multiplayer…
Tiger Woods remains a toxic title sponsor thanks to bad play and lingering punch lines from a scandal-plagued…
Publisher EA is extending its "Project Ten Dollar" scheme to make buying used copies of EA Sports games a bad idea.…
The next big golf video game on the Wii, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 adds mini-golf. Why? Best answer I got from EA…
Tiger Woods begins his comeback at The Masters this week, and the browser-based game bearing his name transitioned…
Scandalized golfer and serial cheater Tiger Woods is returning to golf. Game company EA Sports is thrilled.
A Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 release without an active star is no longer a going concern, with the golfer's return to…
First-person football didn't work out so hot, and as far as I know, no one is trying first-person basketball. With…
The next edition of Tiger Woods PGA Tour will support the PlayStation "Arc" motion controller, though it's not due…
He's also sharing it with a rookie. Billed as an advertisement of the game's Ryder Cup features, some take the…
Tiger Woods' life changed forever Thanksgiving night.
At risk of stealing its own thunder, EA Sports confirmed today that its next console golf simulation will feature…
Announcing an open beta of EA Sports' browser-based PGA Tour game later this month, Peter Moore says EA Sports is…