BioWare: Putting Same-Sex Romance Into The Old Republic 'Will Take A Lot More Work Than We Realized'
In September, 2011, the folks behind online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic promised to add same-sex…
In September, 2011, the folks behind online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic promised to add same-sex…
MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic is officially going free to play on November 15, EA confirmed today.
Games take us to all manner of fantastical, unlikely places. But as good as video games have gotten at accurately…
We've known since July that Star Wars: The Old Republic would be going free to play this fall. Now, developer…
The Game Developers Choice Online awards exist to give folks in the gaming industry a chance to highlight and…
Rich Vogel, a longtime game designer who most recently served as executive producer on BioWare's online RPG The Old Republic
BioWare's massively multiplayer online RPG Star Wars: The Old Republic will go free-to-play this fall, publisher…
If you've been curious about Star Wars: The Old Republic but haven't felt like spending money to find out if you…
Back in December BioWare's dueling doctors told us they couldn't see their newly-launched massively multiplayer…
Who is waging the public opinion battle between anti-gay "family values" groups and the video game creators who…
MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic has been churning along pretty well since its launch late in December of last year.…
The past year has seen a great deal of discussion about the existence of same-sex romance options in EA and…
The Florida Family Association, best known for badgering companies into pulling advertising from TLC reality show Al…
Oh boy. The Family Research Council, acting in its role as wise counsel to all that goes into video games, hath…
Now that BioWare has instituted fixes limiting the number of Republic and Imperial players taking part in each…
With yesterday's patch 1.1 player-versus-player debacle stemming a flood of threatened account cancellations,…
If you're a Star Wars fan and a PC Gamer, there's a good chance that The Old Republic has consumed your life for the…
Detailed last week and set to release next week, Star Wars: The Old Republic's first major update, Rise of the…
When it comes to epic battles between fictional forces, I generally find myself siding with the good guys. If I were…
If you rolled a character on Star Wars: The Old Republic's public test server, go check out the game under its first…