This is Briana McIvor, one of the hosts of video game TV show Electric Playground. She's trying to pull a fake sword…
The mailman may have squashed our copy of the Wii's new Zelda game, but that doesn't appear to have impacted the…
These latest The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword screens show our hero Link in Lake Floria. The area is inhabited by…
While you will need a badge to check out Nintendo's holiday line-up on the show floor, down the street on Saturday…
At some supermarkets, the pen you can use to sign your credit card receipt to pay for your groceries is connected to…
November's The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword looks almost nothing like the old Nintendo Entertainment System Zelda…
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, as Totilo will explain a bit later today in his full impressions of the game's…
There's been a bit of a Skyward Sword media blowout these past few days. An out which continues to blow today, as…
Ever since Nintendo announced the Wii's upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, there has been much debate and…
As I mentioned in my preview of the game's opening hours, swordplay in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is…
At times, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword feels a bit like a dream, one of those vivid ones that's all colors and…
Dammit, Nintendo. Just when everyone is ready to write you off and declare the Wii as totally irrelevant, you do this…
In today's totally timely episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Mindsale would like to have a word with the…
One does not simply walk into Wal-Mart and spend $50 on a brand-new Zelda game. Not when there's a chance to spend…
Because they don't count the CDi Zelda games, and because they count the repeatedly re-released Ocarina of Time…
It has come to my attention that people get angry about Zelda video games.
When last we showed you the boss battle in the demo of the next major Zelda game, the boss won. Link died. Very…
Today's Speak Up on Kotaku actually involves speaking up, as commenter Tengen Toppa Duck Face laments over the lack…
On the final day of E3, Kotaku intern Michael Epstein and I were running on fumes. I couldn't hold a camera still…
There will be a gold Nintendo Wii Remote Plus coming out late this year. Nintendo plans to bundle some of them with…