A report today by The Verge details the recent history of Telltale Games leading up to last fall’s layoffs, including feelings among many of the staff that the studio was stagnating creatively and had also become a toxic work environment under the leadership of co-founder and former CEO Kevin Bruner.

Telltale Games is laying off 90 people, or about 25% of its staff, the company said today. “The decision is designed to make the company, a leader in player-driven narrative games, more competitive as a developer and publisher of groundbreaking story-driven gaming experiences with an emphasis on high quality in the Read more

Telltale has announced a third season of The Walking Dead for later this year (via Mashable), in addition to new Minecraft episodes—three total—in 2016. The Walking Dead will reportedly pick up on threads from the last season, but in an “unexpected” way, whatever that means.

Telltale’s announced their three-part Walking Dead mini-series will premiere on February 23 on every platform but mobile, where it hits on February 25. The whole series will cost you $15. The other Michonne-focused episodes will come out in March and April. Is Telltale getting on a normal release schedule?!
