Valve's team-based shooter Team Fortress 2 may have at least one more gameplay mode left in it, according to the…
Remember in-game browser Rogue? Well, maybe not for long. Valve's horning in on the action, which means browser…
If you're all dressed down and have nothing to play tonight, ten dollars nets you one copy of Team Fortress 2 this…
What's this? A Team Fortress 2 update?! Oh goodie! The official TF2 blog finally gets an update, foretelling of…
The Demoman is pissed. He wants his briefcase back, along with the intelligence, or whatever is stashed in there.…

Not much of a surprise this is a possibility, the two games do use the same game after all. But Left 4 Dead hasn't…
Eagle-eyed Kotaku reader Sriker spied something interesting during his play-through of the Left 4 Dead demo,…
Not officially, that is. But reader Bill M. stumbled across some third party concept art of Team Fortress 2, and I'd…
Valve's three down, six to go in fulfilling its promise to update all nine classes in Team Fortress 2, but the next…
In an epic-sized post over at the Team Fortress 2 blog, the Valve writing staff goes into great detail on how…
Hey, 2009's almost upon us, and TF2Newbs has put out a 12-month zipfile of spies doing the crab walk in Team…

Remember Portal for the C64 emulator? Reader burgerk1ng has a nice find to go with it: "Gang Garrison II" by…
We can't say we didn't see it coming, but to hear, straight from the mouths of Valve's Doug Lombardi and Gabe…
Ubercharged found a Team Fortress 2 "Kill Bar Thingy" generator last week, which allows you to generate your own…
Now that I'm back form Germany — and freed from having to resort to the Crosswords app on my iPhone — I'm gonna go…
Owners of the Xbox 360 version of Team Fortress 2 will be scarfing down sandviches and delivering payloads later…
It's good to know that the Heavy appreciates a good sandwich as much as I do. Though in my case my need for…
Sick of Valve's water-torture Heavy updates? We were. Just a little. Was starting to feel like a dojo, and boy, are…
Valve's milking its new "Heavy Update" for all it can give. Last week we told you about the Killing Gloves of Boxing.…
The Heavy's second unlockable weapon has been announced — and it's another girl! Natascha the Level 5 Minigun will…