Bad news, Team Fortress 2 Spy: your Summer is about to get wet and wild, as Valve has revealed the Sniper's final…
When TF2's Scout received his update, the ad on the game's blog was done in the style of an old-school mail-away.…
Say hello to the Ambassador, the newest addition to the Team Fortress 2 Spy class' arsenal. What's unique about this…
Oh, hey. The new Team Fortress 2 Spy update is here, revealing the pun-laden list of Steam Achievements for the…

And you thought that it was only Team Fortress 2's Scout that was moonlighting as a cleaning product salesman. Nun…

What kind of master spy leaks Valve's Meet the Spy video onto the internet in the middle of the night? The same…
The Sniper class from Team Fortress 2 isn't the only one getting new tricks. The Spy's getting some too. And he's…
Backstabbing spies aren't going to be too fond of the most recent addition to the Sniper's load out. The Team…
Round two of Sniper class update related news has hit the official Team Fortress 2 site. What's new? Well, the new…
Valve's slow roll out of the newest Team Fortress 2 class update, this time for the lovable, headshotting Sniper,…

...things turn out remarkably well. This mash up of Team Fortress 2 classes and the original intro for Nintendo 64…

YouTube user CastingOutTheSelf mined the Scout soundfile and came up with, lo and behold, a dead-ringer script for…
The Team Fortress 2 team isn't quite yet ready to reveal what changes are in store for the game's Sniper class, on…
Earlier this week we brought you the delightful Team Fortress 2-as-RPG screens. Valve's returned the favor, dropping…
You may have seen this going around your forum of choice lately, but just in case you haven't, here, take a look at…
Steam's weekend deal should take care of any leftover PC gamers who've yet to experience the glory of The Orange…
The most recent Team Fortress 2 update brings with it updates that may radically change the way we play the game,…
This low-res take on Team Fortress' lineup strikes me as a kind of MTV Unplugged homage. Take something iconic,…
Maybe I don't need to play Team Fortress 2 on a Mario Kart track. But do I want to? Oh, for sure. Especially to get…
The official word from the Team Fortress 2 trust confirms that the Sniper will be the next class to receive an…