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Valve Teases Team Fortress 2's Close Range Sniper Update

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The Team Fortress 2 team isn't quite yet ready to reveal what changes are in store for the game's Sniper class, on deck to receive new unlockables, but it's quite ready to tease those additions.

Thankfully, it doesn't sound like Valve will go ahead with its April Fool's Day plans to add jars of Sniper piss as a weapon, but do something almost as unexpected. Robin Walker writes on the official TF2 blog what the update plans to address with the Sniper class, which may bring the rifleman a little closer to his targets.

Walker describes designing an unlockable that encourages the Sniper to "get a little closer to his target."


"We want him to give up some of his primary advantage in return for something else, so that enemies he kills feel like they were engaged with them," Walker explains, "and feel like they could have survived if they'd just managed to fight a little better."


That closer range addition to the Sniper's arsenal is aiming to address player frustrations with the class, to transform player deaths into "positive experiences." Not for Sniper players, mind you, but for Sniper victims.


You better hold onto your head, mate [TF2 Blog - thanks, Jon!]