Valve announced the end to Team Fortress 2's Soldier vs. Demoman War with [update] Soldier winning the conflict,…
Team Fortress 2's "War" update draws near it's conclusion with a bang today, both the Demoman and Soldier getting…
Well, this is a surprise. Those entrants in Team Fortress 2's propaganda competition we posted the other day? While…
Team Fortress 2's week of WAR rumbles on, yesterday's Demoman update followed today by a shiny new piece of kit for…
Team Fortress 2's "WAR" update continues, with today's addition to the game being a couple of new in-game items for…
You might have noticed. There's a war going on in Team Fortress 2 right now. Where there's war, there's propaganda,…
The Team Fortress 2 blog deliberately buried the lede in its post yesterday, following 84 words of trivial nonsense…
Valve's next Team Fortress 2 update will add new maps, new "surprises" and three new weapons each for the Soldier…
The blue Soldier and red Demoman are friends, and the administrator can't have that. "Call Mr. Hale. Tell him we…
The most recent update to Valve's two-year-old shooter Team Fortress 2 did more than just fix bugs, it added a bunch…

Watch this video. Listen to the lengthy looping of audio files reportedly dug up from the depths of TF2's latest…
There's an interesting statistic to be found in a Gamasutra interview with Steam's Jason Holtman, published earlier…
Valve's back, following its hilarious Team Fortress 2 Valentines from last year,with four sets of gift cards…

I was actually in the US for Halloween this year. And found something out: it's not about pumpkins and scary things.…
While not directly addressing Chet Faliszek's slap at PlayStation 3, the Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford - no stranger…
September's "Team Update" brought another mention of Team Fortress 2's macho product supplier Mann Co., and some…
"For the first time in history," writes the TF2 Team, "two separate Valve universes collide!" If you pre-order Left…
A few of you sent in choice pictures of video game-themed Halloween costumes you were brave enough to wear. Lucky…
By the time this post goes live, you have approximately 40 minutes to purchase Team Fortress 2 on Steam for only…
The spirit of Halloween has infected Valve's Team Fortress 2 Team, spawning a Haunted Hallowe'en Special update,…