As previously announced, Xbox 360 title Tales of Vesperia is getting a PS3 version and a big screen anime. The…
Imagine that you don't own an Xbox 360. Maybe, you don't even want one. But then a game comes out on it, a game you…
Yes, we know there's a pirate girl named Patty Fruel. But there's got to be more to separate the upcoming PS3…
Not only is Tales of Vesperia getting a PS3 version, the role-playing-game is also getting a big screen version.
The PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia feature is getting a new, exclusive character: young pirate girl Patty Fruel.…
The latest weekly issue of Japan's Jump Magazine contains a veritable flood of Tales of news from Namco Bandai,…
Folks are fluttering around on the Japanese internet about the boxart similarity between these two games.…
Your candlelight vigil is at an end, PAL users. Tales of Vesperia will be out in "June 2009", according to Namco…
Square Enix role-playing-game Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope has given Japanese companies another glimmer of hope for…
The February issue of Japanese trade magazine Kinejun announces a big screen anime version of Namco's RPG Tales of…
See that blurry magazine scan? It apparently says that Xbox 360 title Tales of Vesperia is coming to the PS3 with…
Believe it or not, you can play games with other people. Like people in the same room as you.
Voting time! Our imagery Tales of Vesperia boxart contest has drawn to a close, and it's now time to pick a winner.…
More entries! Endless!! That's Don's entry right there, and hit the jump for J.'s. Here's what's going on: Create…
And the Tales of Vesperia entries keep on keepin' on. And they're really good. Like, we're actually very impressed…
And the entries are starting to roll in. Above Kotaku reader Shane sends his Tales boxart, writing, "I just can't…
Xbox 360 exclusive Tales of Vesperia has done solid business in Japan. That's not a surprise, as the Tales team says…
Namco Bandai’s Tales series of RPG titles have been delivering their unique take on the action RPG since Tales of…

Well, no, we don't think so. Here's a clip of Namco Bandai's big-in-Japan Xbox 360 exclusive Tales of Vesperia. Thi…
Remember when Japanese people lined up for Xbox 360 RPG Tales of Vesperia? That was pretty kooky! Kookier even still…