Imagine that you don't own an Xbox 360. Maybe, you don't even want one. But then a game comes out on it, a game you really want, and it's an exclusive.
To play it, well, you'd probably buy the console, take your "Only On Xbox 360" game home and play the crap outta it. Then imagine several months later, that same game emerged once again, like a Phoenix from the flames, and was appearing on another console — with more story, new characters, the works! How would you feel?
Bamboozled! Pissed off! Mad! Nerd rage has been directed at Bandai Namco's Tales of Vesperia, which was an Xbox 360 exclusive. That is, until it decided to appear on the PS3 with brand new shiny stuff.
やるおで語るPS3対Xbox360のゲーム掲示板バトル ~テイルズ編~ [my game news flash - NSFW]