The latest weekly issue of Japan's Jump Magazine contains a veritable flood of Tales of news from Namco Bandai, announcing Tales of VS, Tales of Graces, and Tales of Vesperia for the PlayStation 3.
The big news here for PlayStation 3 fans is the announcement of the previously Xbox 360 exclusive Tales of Vesperia for the PS3, bringing one of the better Tales tales told in years to the Sony platform. Along with the Vesperia news, we also see the official announcement of Tales of VS, a fighting game for the PSP along the same lines as Dissidia: Final Fantasy. and Tales of Graces for the Wii, the first original Wii game in the Tales series, two game names that McWhertor discovered earlier last month using his magical trademark-sniffing powers.
Check out the link before for more scans of pretty anime characters doing action role-playing things.
Tales of Vesperia for PS3 Announced, Along with Tales of Graces Wii, and Tales of VS PSP [Kombo - Thanks Walter]