Freddy Fazbear finds a home in the most unlikely of places, I tell you what.
Freddy Fazbear finds a home in the most unlikely of places, I tell you what.
Nintendo’s Japanese website launched a big update for Super Mario Maker today, and part of includes a neat surprise:…
If you can make your own Mario levels then surely you can create your own weekly game release list. Here, I’ll get…
You can’t make this stage in Super Mario Maker.
It’s been a long while since a video game manual made me laugh or feel warm inside. The Mario Maker manual is…
Nintendo’s Super Mario Maker arrives in North America on the 11th of September, allowing Wii U owners to craft their…
Two days ago, I uploaded a video to YouTube. It featured some awesome automatic Mario Maker levels that basically…
It’s not surprising to see people try to trick other players in Super Mario Maker. I just wasn’t expecting Nintendo…
When I play a Mario game, I expect to make a lot of decisions about when to run and when to jump. Those expectations…
Today, I am going to attempt Mario Maker’s “100 Mario challenge,” a mode where you are given 100 lives to clear a…
Super Mario Maker is largely in the hands of reviewers, entertainers, and YouTubers right now—but even so, we’re…
This game cannot come soon enough.
Few video games look as insanely joyful as Super Mario Maker, the upcoming level-maker that’s out September 11 for Wii U. Check out this new overview video for a look at customizable sound effects, Amiibo support, and other features in Nintendo’s latest.
Here’s Mario’s iconic 1-1 level, remade into a giant death trap by the folks at Nintendo. Wow!