Furthering the notion that there is no situation, real or virtual, that cannot be enhanced by the addition of Koji…
While New York's subway is only slightly less scary than the pipes under the Mushroom Kingdom, both underground…
We're used to seeing tons of Mario tributes on the internet, in live action videos or custom-made browser games…
Filmmaker Andrew McMurry has posted this updated version of his last "Real Life Super Mario Bros". In the last…
We've seen biofeedback in video games before, most recently at GDC, where Valve discussed its application in Left…
It's a delicate subject but one that will inevitably come up for any parent, and you've got to be prepared. In this…
Earlier this year Splash Damage character artist Jon Fletcher crafted a magnificently twisted take on Mario for Polyc…
Looks like PETA bit off more Fusarium venetum then they could chew when they attacked Mario for his Tanooki-suit…
The People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals are blasting Nintendo and their beloved gaming plumber Mario over…
Want to know how reader Liatte–-a lawyer and aspiring Lego artist—made her room of necessity themed around…
Reader Liatte sent in pics of her Mario-adorned throne room and while I want to make all kinds of scatological…
At the end of August, we brought you Mari0, which showed everyone how our favorite plumber would navigate the…
Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear series—which turns 25 next year—says he's drawn influence from four video…
In Super Mario Bros., Mario and Luigi slide down poles. In the UK Amateur Pole Performer competition, they climbed…
Four Roombas swept across the floor at this year's SUPER iam8bit art show, recreations of the most memorable…
This is Super Mario Bros. reduced to a 64-pixel version (sorta). Modder Brad Slattery made this handheld 8 by 8…
Note that I said "confronting." I can't say "answering" because that presumes there is a good reason for the…
Jamming 30 years worth of Mario tunes and visuals into an epic 18-minute-long video remix, the creators of "Super…
Yesterday I featured an obvious 'shop of Game Boy Tetris, purporting to show a playing area whose remaining blocks…
There's a little surprise in this unassuming cardboard box: a physical side-scroller, a paper-based re-imagining…