Are you planning on siding with the Republic or the Empire when Star Wars: The Old Republic goes live? Either way…
The official E3 features trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic went out yesterday, courtesy of GameSpot, and it…
There are new comics in comic books shops every Wednesday, plus new ones on the iPad and other portable devices with…
Quick, before something happens to the video: here's around sixty minutes' worth of footage from the upcoming Star…
The Sith Inquisitor class in Star Wars: The Old Republic is the living embodiment of the darkest shadowy corners…
BioWare's ambitious Star Wars massively multiplayer online role-playing game is still officially on the books for a…
I played the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic this past weekend and thought…
I haven't played a massively multiplayer online game since the single Saturday afternoon I spent four years ago…
BioWare has launched Star Wars: The Old Republic's Guild Headquarters, a place where players can get their groups…
My weekly round-up of comics returns for the new-look Kotaku. There are new comics every Wednesday in American shops…
The Old Republic world designer Jesse Sky and his team are responsible for creating Flashpoints, moments of…
While the starships players will inhabit in the massively multiplayer Star Wars: The Old Republic may look…
The Old Republic, a new massively-multiplayer game set in the Star Wars universe, won't be out this year, obviously.…
The next planet to be revealed for BioWare's Knights of the Old Republic is Ilum, the hotly-contested home of the…
If a video game is going to feature a character class based primarily on the exploits of Harrison Ford as Han Solo,…
The majority of this clip for The Old Republic shows everything that is wrong with both Star Wars' expanded universe…
BioWare's latest info update for The Old Republic reveals two "advanced Jedi" classes will be playable, the Guardian…
BioWare has revealed that each class in Star Wars: The Old Republic will have an optional non-human species option,…
The Star Wars universe has its fair share of wretched hives of scum and villainy, but Nar Shaddaa, the crowning…
While running about doing quests and exploring planets makes up most of the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience,…