Last week's release of the free-to-download Disney Infinity 2.0 was just the tip of the Disney PC gaming iceberg.…
Imagine playing a game that can caress you, run its finger down your back, make you feel as if you're flying,…
The Facebook page for Split/Second promises three packs of new cars - one of them free - later this month, and a…
After a successful debut on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, Disney's destruction-driver racer Split/Second…
Thanks to all who voted in our Split/Second Faux Destructo Contest. Basically, you released a lot of pent-up…
Thanks to all who entered the Split/Second Faux Destructo Contest. We got some delightful suggestions for TV sets…
Not many racing games feature exploding silos that violently alter track layouts and redirect traffic onto an…
In honor of the new fast-car-destructo game Split/Second, we want to know which TV-show-that-has-jumped-the-shark…
As part of our neverending mission to tell you what video game is now turning left four times at 100 mph on Saturday…
Routine trips to the airport will never be the same, now that Disney Interactive Studios has released a playable…
Can you imagine how much creating a television show set that looked like this would cost if Split/Second was a real…
My biggest concern with over-the-top racer Split/Second isn't with its explosive premise or arcade controls, it's…
Part racing game, part blowing stuff up, Black Rock Studio's Split/Second hits May 18, Disney Interactive Studios…
I can be happy in second place, happier in third. At least if I'm playing Disney and Black Rock's upcoming racing…
I just finished racing a couple of laps of Disney's Split/Second racing game. Impressions to come. But first an…
I don't like the name "Split/Second". It's stupid. Stupid like inFamous. You know what would be better? "Jerry…
E3 2009 gave us another opportunity to get our hands on Disney's explosive, course-altering reality show racer,…
In one week, E3 will reveal just about every major game you will be able to play in the next year. For racing game…
There have been plenty of racing games that pump up the action by arming cars, but Split/Second allows you to use…
Pure developers Black Rock Studios feel that the video game racer, as we know it, is "in a dire way," that the genre…