Brink is a strange game. Is it the next must-play shooter? Is it a forgettable Team Fortress knock-off? Or is it…
Brink is a strange game. Is it the next must-play shooter? Is it a forgettable Team Fortress knock-off? Or is it…
Brink will still hit the Playstation 3 as planned despite the ongoing Playstation Network outage, the developer…
The battle to save and/or escape The Ark kicks off tomorrow when Brink launches for the PC, Xbox 360, and…
European Parkour tour Beyond the Brink had Daniel Ilabaca recreating the freerunning of Splash Damage shooter Brink…
The final entry in Bethesda's Get SMART series of Brink training videos explains how to navigate the battlefield,…
With Brink less than a week away here's a look at the shooter's four classes: Soldier, Medic, Engineer, and…
Brink comes out next week, so you'd best familiarize yourself with the heads-up display before charging into…
Playing Splash Damage's Brink likely won't require too much thought, but if you're at all confused about what this…
Brink is out on May 10. If you're going to be playing it on PC, you'll need to know its specs. Well, here they are!
Upcoming shooter Brink isn't delayed. Just the opposite. The team-based shooter that's designed to make amateurs…
Now that we've gotten to know Brink's Medic, Soldier, Engineer, and Operative, let's take a look the special…
Our latest look at the upcoming Brink gets a touch of class, detailing the four playable classes in Splash…
Eager to get your hands on Bethesda and Splash Damage's Brink? We've played it a ton already, but if you're…
What's taking Brink so long? Why won't this ambitious, complex first-person shooter come out already? We've already…
Get the sound of gunfire stuck in your head with Brink's "choir of guns," a catchy excuse to look at the deep and…
The latest developer diary for Splash Damage's Brink gives us a peek into the minds behind the game, and what…
More lofty claims from developer Splash Damage, as the latest developer diary for Brink boasts that the game blurs…
The game I most wish I was playing right now is Brink. I played it a week ago. It delivered on an unusual promise.
There ain't no good guys, and there ain't no bad guys. There's just the revolutionaries and the security forces,…