Commenter Madammina's tale of playing through Kingdom Hearts with her little brother reminds us how much fun it is…
Commenter SecretMoblin has yet to experience the joy of sitting in a darkened room at 3AM sobbing hysterically over…
Commenter Gigawings is taking the first steps on the wondrous journey we call first time Dreamcast ownership, and…
Should we consider hardcore PC gamers the hipsters of gaming just because they tend to bring up how PC gaming did…
You can skip to your favorite scene in a movie, flip to an exciting chapter in a book you've read, but you can't…
In today's episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Korio8 wonders if anyone else prefers subtitles in their video…
Commenter Sumada feels he doesn't appreciate games as much as he did when he was younger. In today's Speak Up on…
We only ever hear negative things about customer service, because a satisfied customer rarely spends time gushing…
In today's installment of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Vlyke615 wonders what strange gaming habits we've developed…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Kain's Legacy asks a poignant question: Why do we invest so much time in…
It seems like it should go without saying, but commenter CornflakeJustice felt like saying it anyway, and since this…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter SecretMoblin openly admits to never having played the PlayStation classic…
Commenter Monsieur Froid returns to Speak Up on Kotaku once more to ask readers whether they want daring new…
Should video game store employees be allowed to let their personal preferences influence which products they…
In today's fairly straightforward episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Monsieur Froid wonders why so many…
Put down the controller and dig through the closet for the dusty remains of childhood memories courtesy of commenter …
As the wheels of Nintendo's next console slowly begin to spin, commenter Wrackune suggests the Wii is the greatest…
Today's Speak-Up on Kotaku comes courtesy of revered commenter JesusChrist, who believes the "more upcoming…
In today's slightly spoilery episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter 黒人 laments the games that require a player…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Monsieur.Froid urges us to sit back, relax, and get lost in the wondrous…