Not only is Kotaku going through applications for Tokyo correspondents (we are currently no longer accepting…
There was concern that South Korea's rating board was throwing a monkey wrench in Diablo III's certification. If…
Every night across the globe, kids log into Xbox Live and game online. They should be studying or sleeping, but…

Why wonder what the hell Sonic the Hedgehog is doing in a car insurance ad when you can wonder what the hell Darth…
In South Korea, the games of American developer Blizzard are huge. StarCraft is a national pastime, and the upcoming …
So, that enormous data trespass that Korean online powerhouse Nexon revealed last week was bad. Bad enough to be…
The second-largest data breach in South Korea's history compromised the personal information of more than 13 million…
Sometimes it's the cosplayer's appearance that sells the cosplay. Sometimes it's the costume itself. And sometimes…
South Korea's Shutdown Law will prevent players under sixteen years-old from gaming during a six hour block at night.
As far as PS3 role-playing games go, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one family friendly game. In Japan,…
During G-Star, Blizzard showed off impressive fan art at its booth's community zone. The Grand Theft Auto inspired W…
Just the mention of South Korea conjures up images of net cafes and online gaming. The country is one of online…

Chun-Li makes everything better—whether that be Jackie Chan movies or South Korean pop.

Legendary fighter The King of Fighters is known for its stylish characters and tried-and-tested gameplay. KOF has…
It's hard. Just ask StarCraft II player Kim Shee-Yoon, aka "Eve".
North Korea has officially responded to allegations it supported a hacking network that allowed it to gold-farm some…
An awesome tale from Friday's New York Times alleges that Mister Fun himself, Kim Jong-il, finances his nookular…
In Japan, South Korea is now cool. Speaking and singing the local lingo, Korean popstars like Girls' Generation rule…
Today, the South Korea GRB (Game Rating Board) apparently approved Crysis for the Xbox 360. Crysis has not been…

Whenever a new console launches in Japan, people line up. And whenever there are lines, there's often press there…