There have few more puzzling game releases in the last decade than Bullet Run, a game published by Sony Online…
Planetside 2 launched just last week. Have you guys picked up the large-scale first-person shooter yet? What do you…
As fans gather in a desperate attempt to save the doomed City of Heroes from its announced closure, DC Universe…
Over the past couple of years, Sony Online Entertainment has transitioned all of their MMORPGs into free-to-play…
Why do I want more PC gamers to get excited upcoming massively-multiplayer first-person shooter PlanetSide 2? Am I…
Sony has tasked German studio ACONY Games with the development of Bullet Run, an upcoming multiplayer shooter…
One of the longest-running subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing games has finally…
After nine years of operating in a quiet corner away from prying mainstream gaming eyes, the PlayStation 2-based Ever…
After more than a decade of dedicated fans paying a monthly fee to adventure in the lands of Norrath, the massively…
Look folks, just because you've been granted superhuman powers that allow you to go toe-to-toe with the biggest…
MMORPG EverQuest, which launched in 1999, is plagued with cheaters. Sony Online Entertainment is fed up. So you…
From the generic fantasy city of the original EverQuest to the grungy spires of EverQuest 2, the city of Freeport…
Last year EverQuest II dipped its toes in free-to-play waters splitting its services into two separate games: The…
With yesterday's addition to the PlayStation Network and today's flipping of the switch on the PC version, DC…
During a live-stream video chat today with the game's developers, D.C. Universe Online's free-to-play debut was set…
Behind every massively multiplayer online first-person shooter there is a story, and in PlanetSide 2's case that…
It doesn't matter if you're a starship captain or one of Earth's mightiest heroes; once you go massively multiplayer…
The first major dose of downloadable content for DC Universe Online, Fight for the Light goes live on September 6 in…
Planetside 2, the massively multiplayer first-person shooter with persistent warfare between three competing…
Nearly everyone who plays DC Universe Online has an anecdote about spending a good hour or more in its character…