Facebook has made no secret of its desire to lure streamers over from Twitch’s saturated pastures. Its latest salvo…
Sheng Lam, an artist we only just featured here on Fine Art, is back here tonight with this fantastic series…
On October 22 the Twitter account for the digital gaming storefront GOG sent out a Tweet using a hashtag advocating…

Yesterday, Tumblr announced that it will ban all adult content starting December 17th. As users logged into their…
One week ago, two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Price called…
Monster Hunter: World’s character creator isn’t the most realistic or complex one out there, but that hasn’t stopped…
Is that a camp in your pocket, or are you just happy to see us?
Hello, hello, hello. There’s been a lot going on on our Instagram, and there’s more to come.
With many popular brands struggling to find a voice on social media, Arby’s spent 2016 charming an entirely new…
Yes, the GOAT is in the newly released Pokémon Go, and boy, is he turning up in some pretty unexpected places.

Damn. That sure was one hell of a Game of Thrones episode, huh? (SPOILERS AHEAD!)
Miitomo, Nintendo’s Mii-driven social network, is tearing up the app store charts right now with millions of new…
John “TotalBiscuit” Bain is not the first to struggle with social media as he’s become more popular, nor is he the…