In the comments section of my most recent Snacktaku review, a reader accused me of (and I am paraphrasing here)…
Fugu (blowfish) is a delicacy in Japan. If it's not prepared correctly, the result is death. Since fewer people have…
Dark times, I tell you! Just look at what the best Japanese melons in Japan are going for. Dark times.
Give a man a snack, you keep him sated until dinner; teach a man to create a snack, and he'll make it once, tell…
China has some very interesting culinary habits some of which folks from the west will find just outright whacky.…
Right outside Akihabara Station's Electric Town exit is the Gundam Cafe. Every day, countless Gundam fans line up…
Anyone can open up a package and devour the contents, or order an item off a grease-smeared backlit plastic menu.…
Is the hot dog a snack, or is it a sandwich? Snackologists have long debated whether these discount sausage rolls…
What, no Snacktaku review in this week's Kotaku Off-Kilter? Let's make it up with a Speak Up from commenter Cheese…
Burger King Japan is going bonkers with bacon. For a mere ¥100 (US$1.24), you can, as sister site Gawker pointed out,…
Oreos and milk, a snack time classic. Dunking Oreo cookies in a warm glass of milk? No problem. But dunking them in…
The inevitable iPhone 5 might not be out in the West yet, but it's out in China. And it's delicious-looking.
A perfect pour in Japan has just the amount of right amount of head. This beer tap (beer fountain?) tilts the glass,…
You think you know the McDonald's menu? You keep abreast of the changes, the limited-edition items, the seasonal…
The Mario Kart games have wound up on nearly every Nintendo platform since the wacky combat racer debuted back in…
In Japan, you are either an udon person or a soba person. You cannot be both! This is serious Beatles-Stones kinda…
This is singer Kaela Kimura. She's from Tokyo. The dialects throughout Japan are different—something Kotaku has…
The first Angry Birds slipped onto the iPhone with little fanfare, slowly growing into one of the biggest games of…
With Fuss Cupcakes in the news today, having been contracted to bake then send 400 cupcakes to Mass Effect 3 developers…
In all my 38-plus years on this great spinning dirt ball of ours I've never once heard a person exclaim, "Hooray,…