From bras to batteries, Japan is no stranger to unusual vending machines. But its latest peculiar vending machine…
There's no better way to say, "Good luck on your school exams," than with citrus fruit pentagons, am I right?
Watching people eat normally might make you hungry. But watching them "reverse eat?" That might make you lose your…
Chocolate? I love chocolate. Honey mustard? Ditto. And burgers? Boy, I love burgers. I adore all of these—just not…
Back away slowly, America. These flavors — they are not for your ilk. Do not follow me into madness, for that way…
Your typical ice cream in Japan is rather vanilla. Things usually don't get much crazier than green tea. But in some…
Is there any greater event in the snacking world than the introduction of a new limited edition flavor of Oreo…
Some people hang clothes on their balcony. This resident, it seems, hangs meat. Lots of it.
This weekend I was shopping for snacks. I picked up a bag of corn soup-flavored "Gourmet" Doritos. But that's only…
The idea sounds icky: Dipping french fries in chocolate sauce. But wait a minute! Sweet and salty? Hey, this might…
Do you like games? And food? Check out Games and Food, an enjoyable tumblr that'll take you down memory lane while maybe—just maybe—making you a little bit hungry. [Image: morebuildingsandfood]
Earlier today, the world's first Kit Kat "specialty shop" opened in Tokyo. It's called the Kit Kat Chocolatory, and…
Last year Lay's "Do Us A Flavor" contest awarded the wrong person a million dollars for suggesting potato chips that…
Japan is famous for its Kit Kats. The country has a slew of unique flavors that simply aren't available elsewhere.…
If you ever visit Osaka, be sure to try one of its most famous dishes, "kushikatsu" (串カツ). Typically, it's fried…
I bet you've never seen a commercial like this one for Hong Kong's Rio Burgundy Grape Mints.
While vacationing in Buenos Aires, Kotaku editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo sampled Coca-Cola Life, a special…
Except neither of these look a fucking thing like Mario. Or a princess, for that matter.
McDonald's is releasing "vintage" style American burgers in fries in Japan as part of a limited time promotion. The…
Today I learned, via Reddit, that Japan contains Mountain Dew flavored Cheetos. As a means of proving my dedication…