Adventure Time toys are coming to McDonald's Happy Meals January 17. Finn, Jake, Ice King and Beemo are excellent reasons to pick up boxed lunches for the homeless in your area. According to, these are boys' toys. Girls will have to deal with Paul Frank's stupid monkey.
I cannot stop watching this. Can you guess what is?
I can't think of a more fitting Snacktaku sendoff to 2013 than the Mortal Komband performing $5 Footlong for 12…
Turducken? Turducken is nothing. Behold Cthulken. Or Craturktopus. Perhaps Turkrakon. Whatever you call this dark…
Hey there, video game fan. Do you like eating Christmas dinner but hate dealing with inconveniences like "shopping"…
Every November, Americans gather their family around the dinner table to give thanks for the many brown things we…
Thank goodness! It's about time we traded struggling to spread real butter on toast with butter strings.
There are many problems with Oreo's next-generation game controller concept, but taste isn't one. Getting in on the console launch fun via Twitter, Oreo has created a controller with two 'O' buttons, a ridiculous d-pad, uncomfortable thumb sticks and a gem in the middle that's begging to have the head of a penis drawn… Read more
If you like drinking, perhaps you like snacking while doing so. What if there was a snack that could help you avoid…
Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt is said to be a big fan of pork. It's also been said that when Bolt was in Beijing…
No, no, no! You're not eating curry made from Red Pandas. You are eating a panda-shaped meal while you watch those…
You really do. Your heart and your arteries might not, but who cares what they think. Man, we're talking burgers…
The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, surrounded by servants and draped in gold and jewels, were considered gods among…
The Snacktaku Monster Cereal Review Spooktacular will continue on Monday. Due to an amazing amount of horrendous back pain that's left me in not a very eating-things-and-talking-about-them mood, Yummy Mummy and Franken Berry will have to wait. In the meantime, enjoy Count Chocola, Boo Berry, Frute Brute, and this… Read more
Love ramen? Got a sweet tooth? Listen up! You can now eat cake that's shaped like the delicious noodle dish. "Ramen…
A man cursed with the form of a wolf, or a feral creature desperately attempting to shake of its vestigial ties to…
The sudden chill as you turn into the cereal aisle; the soft, lilting voice at the periphery of hearing, musing on…
Every year, Arby's executive chef Neville Craw and his crack team come up with upwards of 1,200 potential new…
For the first time in America's troubled history, the five points on the pentagram of morning food evil glow as one…