Adventure Time toys are coming to McDonald's Happy Meals January 17. Finn, Jake, Ice King and Beemo are excellent reasons to pick up boxed lunches for the homeless in your area. According to, these are boys' toys. Girls will have to deal with Paul Frank's stupid monkey.

There are many problems with Oreo's next-generation game controller concept, but taste isn't one. Getting in on the console launch fun via Twitter, Oreo has created a controller with two 'O' buttons, a ridiculous d-pad, uncomfortable thumb sticks and a gem in the middle that's begging to have the head of a penis drawn Read more

The Snacktaku Monster Cereal Review Spooktacular will continue on Monday. Due to an amazing amount of horrendous back pain that's left me in not a very eating-things-and-talking-about-them mood, Yummy Mummy and Franken Berry will have to wait. In the meantime, enjoy Count Chocola, Boo Berry, Frute Brute, and this Read more
