Know for its scenic mountain vistas and sheep farms with an economy based on fishing, tourism and…
Attention Skylanders parents, you're going to Toys R Us tomorrow morning. Swap Force launched this past weekend with some important elements and travel powers unrepresented. The twelve new figures going on sale tomorrow morning exclusively at Toys R Us should help fill in the blanks. Read more
Now that the console version of Skylanders has finally caught up with the portable one in terms of jumping, the 3DS…
It's taken 40 long years, but it's finally happened. I've finally become an adult, and it's all thanks to the latest…
Two games dependent on physical toys that interface via magical portals? Of course it's tempting the drop a…
Every Skylander character released so far has been remastered in HD. We're visiting a region of the Skylands we've…
While Angry Birds Star Wars II isn't out for iOS and Android until September 19, the toys you can scan into the game…
I didn't fully appreciate the next generation of consoles until last Friday, when I got the chance to play Skylanders…
More of a sabertooth turtle dinosaur, I suppose. This is Slobber Tooth, and he's one of the latest non-splitting Skyl…
Taking a break from marking up used games, GameStop announced today that preorders were open for the chain-exclusive …
Disney Infinity is not a Skylanders clone, but that doesn't mean the Disney title wasn't inspired by Activision's…
Announced last week, Angry Birds Star Wars II gives fans the ability to swap out the bird (or pig) line-up in their…
As I predicted, the E3 2013 exclusive Skylander is flooding onto eBay, as evidenced by this successful auction…
Say hello to Color Shift Hot Dog, the exclusive E3 2013 Skylanders toy Activision will be giving out at their Skyland…
Okay parents, we've been through this twice before; this time we get it right. The latest installment of the…
You know you've made it as a children's entertainment property when Mike Fahey's car is filled with empty McDonald's…
The Skylanders video games set off a merchandizing bonanza thanks to its toys that were outfitted with near field…
I was on the other side of the planet from the actual DICE awards show, and didn't catch all the stream, so I…
Well, this doesn't look tacky or anything. Skylanders has been giving out exclusive Toy Fair figurines to attendees…
It seems that Activision, the biggest video game publisher in the world, wasn't exactly thrilled with the Wii U's…