The highly anticipated skateboarding game has been in development since 2020
EA’s next skateboarding game doesn’t have a date, but the leaked footage sure looks legit
You can sign up for a future playtest right now, though there’s no guarantee you’ll get selected for the next session
From Skate 3 to OlliOlli World, I can’t recommend these skateboarding gems enough
EA has confirmed though that it has a "little something" to share tomorrow
“Do a kickflip!” Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about this: “Create an elaborate Rube Golberg machine and then use it to do…
Skate 3 is coming to the Xbox One’s backwards compatibility program, in part thanks to renewed interest in the Skate…
Whether it's StarCraft II, Grand Theft Auto IV, or Battlefield 3, seems like the possibilities for something…
Falling on your crotch is funny, when it's in a video game. So is dying multiple times over for no apparent reason.
Video games that rely on a lot of physics-driven character animations tend to have some pretty funny glitches. Last…
This ten-minute clip, by Helix Snake, is in order, with #50 at the beginning. So you can imagine how good things…
Inspired by the replay modes in EA's Skate series, friends Brandon and Darren decided to put the controllers down…
Seen this screen on Skate 3's Facebook page? You might be wondering how to get Dead Space's Isaac Clark into the…
Rayman doesn't have legs, and I bet he can skateboard. Miis don't have legs, and I bet they can too. This Skate 3…
I really liked the first Skate, but haven't been keeping up with the series since because, well, it all looks the…
The new city of Port Carverton opens its doors to careful skaters next week, when EA drops a single and multiplayer…
Riding high on the failure of Tony Hawk: Ride and feeling absolutely no threat from Ubisoft's upcoming Shaun White…
Only EA could create a skateboarding title so pretty that it has me flashing back to a Christian Slater movie from…
EA's Skate 3 might not come with a high tech plastic skateboard controller like its chief "competition," but…
Sequels are hard when the preceding games are good. It's tough to think of what to improve and changing too much…