Remember when we told you SingStar was being patched last week? We lied. It's patched now though, with trophy…
SingStar fans will have even more reason to sing tomorrow, as SingStar patch 3.01 brings more than 30 trophies to…
Brits, Euros, Aussies, you know what SingStar is about. Americans, though, we often get the impression you don't…
Although ten tracks are already available on the PS3 SingStore, the world cares little. Why? Because the world waits…
SingStar for the PS3 was released in December 2007 (in Europe). Was meant to be the console's killer app amongst…
The fact that a lot of PS3 owners own PS3s that can't play PS2 games sucks. Stupid move on Sony's part. But if the…
A survey by UK music charity Youth Music suggests that rhythm and singing games are driving them to take up real…
The dearth of Christmas-themed downloadable content available is the shame of the industry. At least Sony is doing…
Is Celine Dion festive holiday fun? Sony Computer Entertainment seems to think so, bundling her single "Christmas…
While the world waits patiently for SingStar Queen, Sony have gone and done the next best thing, and released two…
SingStar boss Paulina Bozek has left Sony's London Studio to join Phil Harrison at Atari/Infogrames. While at Sony,…
The announcement of SingStar: Queen at Games Convention had some of us immediately and excitedly wondering online,…
This was kinda lost in the maelstrom of Sony news from yesterday, but is worth pointing out today; Sony have…
Sony's PS3 SingStore hasn't exactly set our great balls on fire (yet!). It functions superbly, but the majority of…
Ever wanted to sing along with iconic Disney characters such as Aladdin, The Littler Mermaid, and Cinderella? Well,…
The PlayStation 3 version of SingStar is about to get a massive boost in track department, as Sony has announced…
Sony's Leipzig press conference has the limelight all to itself at this year's Games Convention, what with Microsoft…
When Illinois isn't busy hating on Final Fantasy XI, they're busy getting ready for Lollapalooza 2008, taking place…
That's what SCEE boss David Reeves said, anyways. Responding to questions concerning iNiS' Lips - in particular how…
Those floozies!. Here we were, thinking Turbonegro had pledged themselves to just Rock Band II, when the lovely…