The PlayStation 3 version of SingStar is about to get a massive boost in track department, as Sony has announced that a future firmware update will allow for the ripping and playing of SingStar tracks from PlayStation 2 versions of the game. SCEE president David Reeves didn't go into too many detals on the 'how' and 'when,' but we have a feeling the 'why' is that they want the many SingStar devotees in Europe to graduate to the PlayStation 3 sequel to SingStar. That means the PlayStation 3 will play your forthcoming SingStar: Singalong With Disney tracks just fine. Go on, pick it up. You know you want to. UPDATE - Sony have clarified that the firmware update will actually allow you to "hot swap" your PS2 discs into your PS3 while playing the PS3 version of Singstar, giving you access to that disc's content in the PS3 version. So no ripping, but it's the next best thing. And before you ask, yes, this will work even in PS3's that aren't backwards compatible.
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