QUOTE | "You really need those experiences to help people understand - most people just can't suspend disbelief." -…
Starting next year, if you are really, really good at video games, you can use your gaming skills to get into one of…
Internet slang for the most part is, well, meaningless but interesting slang. In China, one phrase from the giant…
QUOTE | "If we need games for 10-year olds do we need to hire 10-year olds to make games? If I can't make a game for…
This is a typical one yen coin. In today's exchange rate, it worth less than one U.S. cent ($0.0098, to be exact).…
Do not kiss snapping turtles. I repeat. Do. Not. Because kissing snapping turtles will end in tears. Don't believe…
Ever wanted to know which train coach was the least crowded? Or what the temperature in each carriage was? Well, in…
QUOTE | "[Tomb Raider has] exceeded profit expectations and continues to make significant contributions to our…
STAT | 0.15%—Percentage of mobile gamers that provide 50% of the revenue for free-to-play games, according to…
In Japan, March 3 is Girl's Day (雛祭り or "Hinamatsuri"). It's a doll festival. To celebrate, Baskin Robbins is…
QUOTE | "The Kickstarter experience had been wading in a sea of love ... it was like being dumped from that into…

You are not looking at a rice ball. You are looking at a furry cat butt. However, does resemble a rice ball. Just…
QUOTE | "I think Steam is ... probably the most important thing that's happened to indie games in the last 10…
QUOTE | "You ever feel like what we're doing is too much like pornography?"—Trip Hawkins, EA and Digital Chocolate…
This morning, at the Tokyo offices of game developer GeePlus, two employees were injured in a knife attack. Their…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
A police sergeant in Osaka, Japan came under fire for repeatedly forcing subordinate officers to eat large amounts…
As Vlambeer, the studio I work at, has gotten bigger and our community has grown beyond our biggest fans, I've…
QUOTE | "These Clueless Gamer segments are not serious reviews nor endorsements ... We do not believe sponsorship…