Sony is making a big push for 3D with 3D televisions and a 3D ready game console. But Sony isn't alone, the company…
It's simply dubbed the Wand Controller. For the time being, that is.
The price difference between the PSP-3000 and the PSPgo? In Japan, about a hundred bucks. But, no sweat, Sony's not…
At E3, Sony demoed its new wand controller. Actually, Sony demoed two of them. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily…
What are Sony's top brass looking forward to from the PlayStation family in 2009? Console exclusives, naturally. And…
The PS3's doing well in Japan, but compared to the unstoppable Wii and the coming-along 360, Sony wish it was doing b…
Japanese game folks have been down on themselves as late. Sony Computer Entertainment exec Shuhei Yoshida is the…
Two sides of the same story here. On the one side, ex-Xbox man Peter Moore, who explains how the decision to include…
Hey! Don't make Sony Worldwide Studio boss Shuhei Yoshida sad, three parties. Your lack of support for the PSP is…
Righto, this year is supposed to be the year of the PS3. That's what they say, whoever they are. But Sony Worldwide…
Speaking with VG247, SCE Worldwide boss Shuhei Yoshida - aka Phil 2.0 - sounds confident that LittleBigPlanet will…
In case you didn't know (and why didn't you), the PlayStation Network is free. The console may cost money, but the…
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus guy Fumito Ueda is hard at work on a PS3 title. Oh yes, but what's going on with…
New president of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida is reflecting on the company's underdog years in a new…
While I'm sure they do loads of important meeting-and-paperwork-related stuff in the office, from where we're…
Phil Harrison was boss of SCE Worldwide Studios. We all loved Phil. But then Phil went and became Directeur Général…