You know the United States Army is hard up for recruits when they start poking around in the unicorn-filled virtual…
When Google launched Lively, its web-based, browser-embeddable, Second Life-esque virtual world chat space, we said…
Amy Taylor and David Pollard (that's them at left) formerly married for about three years - including in a lavish…
I was recently discussing the mainstream media's love affair with Second Life, and how the bloom appears to be off…
Remember when you couldn't drunkenly fall out of bed in the morning without landing on some kind of Second Life…
Former US Secretary Of State Madeline Albright was streamed into a discussion in virtual world Second Life last…
Kimberly Jernigan isn't much of a dog person. Lions are more her speed. In fact one was her boyfriend. In Second Life…
The Houston Chronicle wants to know why none of the US Presidential candidates (by which I mean the two that could…
A new report has been released on the utility of 'serious games' and in-game marketing in virtual spaces like Second…
Google launched Lively today, a 3D virtual world that can best be described as the search and advertising giant's…
Linden Labs is celebrating the five year anniversary of the launch of their virtual world Second Life, and you're…
Why is this Spore creature, crafted by PC Zone UK forum user Apophis_dd, so very happy? Perhaps because it's come…
Lightspeed, a venture capital firm, checked out the average revenue per user for some casual, free to play MMOGs (Clu…
And happily, no one was on hand to grief it. A 41-year-old Japanese man who suffers from a progressive muscle…
Sure, laugh when I tell you that I spent the better part of last night DJing a virtual wedding in Second Life, but…
Remember when Room 101 griefers issued a flying penis attack on Second Life "real estate" "mogul" "Anshe Chung"…
Ok, so virtual property disputes aren't exactly new, but there's a little wrap up on some of the current issues over…