Volition, the studio behind Saints Row and Red Faction Armageddon, is entering a new space. The Illinois-based…
The violent open-world action of Saints Row is something of a surprising addition to the Nintendo 3DS line-up. But…
Those who felt that Microsoft's initial line-up of 360 Games on Demand was a little bland, a little lacking in…
According to a posting on the website of Nordic rocker band Opeth, THQ's sandbox title Saints Row is coming to the…
Say what you will about Saints Row 2, you can't say Volition aren't supporting the game post-release. They've just…
As we mentioned earlier, SMAP singer Tsuyoshi Kusanagi was arrested for indecent exposure. Even as the news broke,…
Time to dust off your copies of Saints Row 2, kids, because developers Volition have revealed that three new pieces…
Rapper 50 Cent revealed his intentions to develop a movie based on THQ's Saint's Row franchise today during a…
In an interview with Play, Volition's Dan Sutton has announced that work on Saints Row 3 is already underway. And…
Get your bandannas out and show your colors, we got a new gang coming to the world of Stilwater. In this video we…
Saints Row, for all its problems, still did OK business for THQ on the 360. And it was supposed to come out for the…
Have you seen the recent Saints Row 2 trailer that makes direct comparisons to Grand Theft Auto IVto show why it's…