As we mentioned earlier, SMAP singer Tsuyoshi Kusanagi was arrested for indecent exposure. Even as the news broke, some on the Japanese internet were shocked, but others had a different reaction: L-O-L.
And decided to recreate the drunken, naked rampage in Saints Row 2 by whipping up a custom-made Tsuyoshi Kusanagi (comparison images here — namely arrest photos). Click through the gallery below and see ding-dong free images of Tsuyoshi going bananas. Sorry, it's just not possible to render Tsuyoshi's SMAP.
This, of course, reminds us of the time Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and his mustache appeared in Saints Rows. See, Saints Row is good for something!
SMAP草なぎ君の勇姿を「セインツ・ロウ2」で完全再現! [はちま起稿]