Two kids enjoy playing their stickered-up DSes outside on a sunny day in Japan. (Image by Miki Yoshihito; seen via…
Bowling, baseball and an crowd-sourced traffic jam navigation app headline this week's roundup of mobile device…
Up until now the best first-party Nintendo game on the 3DS was a remake of a 13-year-old Zelda game. If anyone can…
Wham, Bam, Thanks M.O.D.A.M. That's not M.O.D.O.K. in drag. That's M.O.D.A.M., and she's an alternate costume in…
In the course of randomly selecting which mobile games we'll be featuring in our Gaming Apps of the Day, sometimes…
Oh, Deer | Wildlife officers in Florida killed a 16-foot Burmese Python that was a bit ... distended. Inside it was…
You never have to worry about storage when the Week in Gaming Apps contains a Katamari game, only gravitational…
Normally on the day after the review embargo for a major video game release is up sites like Metacritic are flooded…
On November 1, Nathan Drake ventures into the hidden depths of the Earth to capture the most elusive treasure he's…
A Night at the Symphony | A 70-piece symphony and choir perform selections from The Legend of Zelda's 25 year…
Objection Sustained? Or Overruled? | A Phoenix Wright cosplayer joins the Occupy demonstration in Santa Rosa, Calif.…
Did you know Batman: Arkham Asylum holds the Guinness World Record for 'Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game…
I could have just said the three H's and every Kotaku reader would have understood, but sometimes we get outsiders…
Team Fortress, De-booted | Low-resolution Team Fortress 2 classes, made cuter for older systems. By PixelBlock, an…
Gather round, take my hand, and we'll journey to a special place, where mobile games roam and people tend to groan…
The Sith's Gonna Do It Again | Graffiti spied on a utility pole on the Eugene, Ore. side of the Knickerbocker Bridge.
Fans of pig-based mobile games might want to look away, this week in gaming apps was not kind to our porcine…
Sushi Restaurant About to Get a Letter from Games Retailer | SushiStop of Los Angeles. You don't want to buy…
This week our own Owen Good took a moment to remind us that our Gaming App of the Day feature isn't just about the…
The Tokyo Game Show is wrapped, and for the most part so is our coverage. And what a lot of stories, pictures,…