Set photos for the upcoming Resident Evil: Afterlife film have already made their way to the internet. But not…
Never mind what Milla Jovovich said! It has been confirmed that upcoming 3D Hollywood flick Resident Evil: Afterlife
Upcoming Hollywood flick Resident Evil: Afterlife has been announced for release on August 27, 2010, but reports…
While actress Milla Jovovich has been twittering the crap outta upcoming movie Resident Evil: Afterlife, two photos…
Milla Jovovich might be new to Twitter, but that doesn't mean she's not a twittering fiend, dropping bits and bops…
If you one who gets excited by type font, this post is for you. If not, scroll down or wait patiently for another…
Milla Jovovich and her husband Paul W.S. Anderson are making another Resident Evil movie. This one is due out next…
While we knew that there would be yet another Resident Evil movie, it wasn't official-official. Now it is.
Even since the Resident Evil: Afterlife flick was announced, the release of the movie has been pegged as September.…
Have you seen a 3D movie? Actress Milla Jovovich hasn't. Not even Captain EO! That's okay, because she'll be able…
Hollywood has already churned out three Resident Evil films. Three films? That's a trilogy. Now, director Paul W.S.…
No secret that today's been a tough one. We know lots of you had problems getting to the site. So let's wind down…
Chatter is swirling that the newest Resident Evil film, Resident Evil: Afterlife, is aiming for a September 17, 2010…
Director Paul W.S. Anderson talked up (spoiler alert!) a new Resident Evil film last fall. Anderson has been busy…