The first years of the new millennium brought us the seventh generation of video game consoles, and with that came a…
The next Resident Evil game will have 255 minutes of cut-scenes, according to a filing by the British Board of Film…
I've never played as a black video game character who's made me feel like he was cool. Worse yet, I've never played…
For the past 15 years, Sweden's Yami has been cosplaying. While others might favor cool or cute characters, Yami…
As far as short nicknames go, hers must be on of the shortest. Going by the frisky sounding "H", this cosplayer…
Remember the time you gunned down all of those terrifying, pasty monks? Or when that unhinged fella with the…
Killzone 3 cinematics director Jim Sonzero was feeling the heat. Long, brutal days turned into nights — nothing new…
The Resident Evil movies are the cinematic equivalent of zombies. Just when you think they're dead, when you won't…
Late last week, Sony revealed its new portable, currently codenamed NGP, to the world. Perhaps you read my liveblog?…
It's January, typically gaming's slow month. But Capcom, best known for Street Fighter and Resident Evil, is hard…
Chinese toy company Hot Toys is working on another Resident Evil 5 toy. This one's another Jill Valentine, only this…
In Japan, there is an array of hotel options. There are traditional inns, business hotels and places like Hotel…
Know what was missing from survival horror game Resident Evil 5? Zombie Michael Jackson.
A father in the Canadian province of British Columbia contacted the police on Monday after receiving sexually…
Cosplayer Spif Zaya, as seen in Las Vegas photo studio Envisage U's top notch Cosplay galleries.
Capcom, the studio behind Resident Evil, loves sequels. That's fine, people love Capcom sequels. How does another…
There were some that perceived Capcom's Resident Evil 5 to be a racist game. Not in intent, perhaps, but certainly…
What would I change about Resident Evil 5's PlayStation Move controls? I'd stop staring at Sheva so much.
Does anyone know what the best way is to control a Resident Evil game anymore? At least Capcom keeps doling out…
What could possibly link Sega's speedy blue hedgehog with a founding member of the Bio-terrorism Security…