It's January, typically gaming's slow month. But Capcom, best known for Street Fighter and Resident Evil, is hard at work on two big time original games. One will make you question Capcom's sanity.
Capcom is not one to shy from sequels or resurrecting its popular games. But in the latest issue of Japanese game magazine Famitsu, Takeuchi apparently stated, "We have two big original titles for 2011 that we haven't revealed yet."
According to Takeuchi, one of the titles will make people think, "At this point, what the hell are you doing? What, are you stupid?"
By this summer, Takeuchi promises that players will be surprised twice, a remark that could point to a summer reveal for the games and not a release date per se.
Previously, Takeuchi produced Resident Evil 5 as well as Lost Planet 2.
カプコン「今年の夏までにユーザーを2回驚かせる」 [2ch]