Know what was missing from survival horror game Resident Evil 5? Zombie Michael Jackson.
At the recent Hot Toys ten year anniversary exhibition in Tokyo, a what-if style diorama was on display that combined Michael Jackson Thriller with a two-story Resident Evil, or Biohazard in Japan, playset and figures.
On the second floor, Resident Evil's Jill shoots zombie Jacko's head plum off, while on the ground floor, a horde of Michael Jackson zombies takes great interest in a ravaged Sheva.
The name of this work is "Michael Hazard".
ゾンビになったマイケル・ジャクソンがバイオハザードの主人公に襲いかかる「マイケルハザード」など超精密フィギュアの傑作と企画展示いろいろ [Gigazine]