There will be a gold Nintendo Wii Remote Plus coming out late this year. Nintendo plans to bundle some of them with…
Speaking to Kotaku earlier today, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime revealed that while the Wii U will…
Nintendo announced today that it is cutting the price of its popular Wii home game machine from $200 to $150.
Though Nintendo has, notably, struck an arrangement with AT&T to provide free wireless Internet hotspot access, the…
Isaiah "Triforce" Johnson, the Power Glove-wearing superfan whose attempts to start the 3DS launch line as early as…
Nintendo's top people don't use the word Apple. They don't say iPhone or iTunes, not voluntarily, not if they can…
Well, there is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. That is a Wii game, a big one. Oh, and there's a Kirby game…
Nintendo would love for us to keep paying $40 or so for portable games. Never mind that 99-cent stuff on iPhone.…
Nintendo has already laid out its plans for the Nintendo 3DS launch window games for North America—all 23 of them—b…
Nintendo's North American plans for its stereoscopic 3D portable gaming machine will become much more clear on…
The president of Nintendo of America and I have something in common: Neither of us has ever played the Virtual Boy,…
Nintendo wanted to sell a million copies of Metroid: Other M, which wasn't a bad game. They won't, not by the end of…
This Wii has had a great run, but surely Nintendo's console is primed for replacement? Nintendo of America's top…
Many people love Nintendo DS role-playing game Dragon Quest IX, but Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…
Ever wonder how many Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft consoles have been sold in the USA over the past six years? Allow…
Combining a phone and a games machine! Everybody's doin' it, right? Not Nintendo.
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, in an interview with Forbes, also says he's played Dragon Quest IX…
We do not know when Nintendo is releasing its 3D-glasses-free portable, the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo has said…
The Wii was an easy sell. Nintendo showed the Wii Remote and that players could swing it around. Simple! Ditto for…
On Friday, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime appeared on talk show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He…